Technology has become an integral part of our lives. These days, imagining life without a laptop or smartphone has become an impossible task. In a world where billions of people are storing information on the Internet, the risk is only increasing year by year.
Pant claims that 400,000 malware are found every day and at least 375 cybertexts are found in India itself. The risk to financial and payment data is very high. All we need to do to ensure our safety is to use strong passwords.
NordPass publishes a list of the 'worst' passwords each year. The list includes all the passwords that are easy to crack.
The following passwords have been named the most dangerous passwords in the world.
1. Figure 1
2. Senha
3. Million 2
4. Aaron 431
5. Waking up
6. Jacket 025
7. Omppp
8. qqww1122
9. qwer123456
10. Unknown
11. Chatbox
12. 20100728
13. 5201314
14. Bangbang 123
15. Job skills
16. Default
17. 123654
18. ohmnamah23
19. Rust
20. 102030
21. 147258369
22. Party
23. MySpace1
24. Asad 123
25. a123456789
26. 1111
27. a801016
28. 12341234
29. 101010
30. Princess 1
31. 987654
32. Love
33. 25251325
34. Yellow 1
35. 686584
36. Hunter
37. Password 123
38. 123456789a
39. Naruto
40. 888888
41. 1234qwer
42. 147258
43. 999999
44. 159357
45. 88888888
46. 789456123
47. anhyeuem
48. 1Q2W3E
49. 789456
50. 6655321
If you have set any of the above passwords on your accounts, you should change them immediately to ensure a high level of security.